Rider Resources

SARTA is committed to providing a safe and comfortable experience on our vehicles and in our transit centers. Whether you are a new passenger or regular rider, the information on this page will make using our affordable, convenient mobility services easy and enjoyable.

Welcome Aboard…


Rider Rules

For the safety and security of our riders, employees, and the general public, SARTA has established rider rules that set reasonable expectations for behavior on all transit authority vehicles and property. Any person who fails to comply with or violates the Rules may be removed from a vehicle or facility, banned from riding or entering our facilities, and may face prosecution and criminal penalties as set forth in Ohio Revised Code Section 306.99.. 

Boarding & Exiting The Bus

Rider Do’s

  • Ensure you are seen at the bus stop so that you are not left behind.Have your fare ready upon boarding the bus.Transfers are available upon request when boarding the bus and are good for one hour on any SARTA bus.
  • Ability to get a transfers or change cards as well as fares are subject to change
  • Change cards are issued if you do not have exact change.
  • Put bike on bike racks, all SARTA buses have bike racks and can fit up to 2 bikes. Bike rack are available on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Let those with disabilities or senior citizens have the priority seating in front of the bus.
  • Use a seat if available.
  • Pull signal string at least one block prior to your desire to exit at the next bus stop.
  • When wearing headphones, lower the volume so you can hear when exiting the bus or at a bus stop.

Rider Dont’s

  • Get on the vehicle if you are impaired due to the use of alcohol or illicit drugs.
  • Bring on more bags or packages than you can carry on and off the vehicle by yourself in one trip unassisted

On The Bus & At SARTA Facilities

Rider Do’s

  • Keep strollers and other items out of the aisle and secured on or under your seat.
  • Small children should remain in a carrier/car seat while on the bus and held securely by an accompanying adult.
  • Use headphones to listen to music, if necessary remove headphones.
  • Do not use profanity, keep voice low and do not use speakerphone when talking on your cell phone
  • Ensure health related open sores and wound are properly covered.
  • Ensure potential biohazards are properly secured.
  • Keep animals secured in a carrier or on a leash including service animals. Animals must be in a carrier on the passengers lap, with the exception of service animals. Passengers must keep their animals under control, and the animal must not be disruptive or pose a threat to other passengers. Failure to do so may result in the passenger being requested to exit the vehicle.

Rider Don’ts

  • Eat or drink on the bus, including alcohol.
  • Smoke, including E-cigarettes, inside SARTA vehicles, facilities or within 20 feet of any SARTA facility or bus.
  • Bicycles are not allowed inside the bus.  
  • Possess and /or consume:Illegal substances, including alcohol illegally
  • Unauthorized weapons and contraband–concealed or otherwise
  • Flammable, explosive or hazardous materials including biohazards
    • Passengers riding with a potential biohazard shall be transported unless the biohazard presents a “direct threat” to other passengers or the coach operator.
    • Any passenger, including passengers with disabilities, may be refused access to public transportation if biohazard is leaking or dripping at the pick-up location.
    • A SARTA official may be dispatched to evaluate and determine the appropriate course of action. Based on the evaluation, the passenger experiencing the leakage or discharge may be transported back to their point of origin, their final destination, or to another appropriate destination capable of responding to the passengers’ needs. In certain circumstances, 911 may be contacted to arrange emergency medical care.
  • Do not litter or leave trash on the bus.
  • Take photos and videotape.
  • Damage property in, on, or around SARTA vehicles or facilities, including graffiti.
  • Commit any illegal activities
  • Harass other passengers, SARTA employees, contractors or representatives.
  • Stand in front of the yellow safety lines, while the bus is in motion.
  • Stand in stairwells
  • Fight
  • Push
  • Horseplay
    • Throwing things
  • Shout or use vulgar language
  • Wear ski masks or appeal that has obscene language/gestures
  • Stick any objects or part of your body out of the bus windows
  • Talk to the bus operator while the bus is in motion, unless absolutely necessary
  • At the Transit Center
    • Solicit
    • Loiter
    • Gamble
    • Skateboard
    • Ride a bike
    • Roller skate


  • Passengers riding with a potential biohazard shall be transported unless the biohazard presents a “direct threat” to other passengers or the coach operator.
  • Any passenger, including passengers with disabilities, may be refused access to public transportation if biohazard is leaking or dripping at the pick-up location.
  • A SARTA official may be dispatched to evaluate and determine the appropriate course of action. Based on the evaluation, the passenger experiencing the leakage or discharge may be transported back to their point of origin, their final destination, or to another appropriate destination capable of responding to the passengers’ needs. In certain circumstances, 911 may be contacted to arrange emergency medical care.

Any individual that violates these rules above may be removed, barred or banned from any SARTA vehicle, property, or facility, fined or imprisoned as outlined in Ohio Revised Code 306.99. These rules shall apply to all SARTA buses and facilities.  All SARTA buses and facilities are monitored by video and audio surveillance.  


Bike and Ride

Most SARTA vehicles are equipped with bike racks that make it easy for passengers to cycle to and from work, local bikeways, parks, universities, and other destinations. Each light-weight rack holds two bicycles, is free to use on a first-come/first serve basis and can be loaded and unloaded in seconds.

Loading Your Bike Is Easy


Get Ready

Remove all loose and personal items from your bike to ensure they do not fall off the bus during your trip.


Signal The Driver

Make sure the driver knows you want to load your bike.  Wait until the bus has come to a complete stop before loading your bike.  To be safe, always load your bike from the curbside of the bus.


Load & Lock

  • Squeeze the handle on the bike rack to release the latch and lower the rack.
  • Lift your bike onto the rack and position the bike into the rack’s wheel wells.  Make sure the front tire is on the same end as the support arm.
  • Raise and pull the support arm up and over the bike’s front tire to secure it to the rack.

Unloading your bike is as easy as loading it… 


Remind The Driver

When you are close to your stop, remind the bus driver that you need to unload your bike.


Unload Your Bike

  • Raise the support arm off the front tire and lower it out of the way.
  • Lift your bike out of the rack.  If yours is the only one on the rack, return the rack to the upright and locked position.

Signal The Driver

Signal the bus driver that you have removed your bike.


Hop on and Pedal Away!


Transfers with Other Agencies

SARTA and Transfers with METRO and PARTA 

SARTA honors transfers from METRO and PARTA.  Passengers transferring to SARTA’s service from another local transit authority will get one free ride on a SARTA bus. Passenger must have a transfer slip issued from the outside transit system.

SARTA & Greater Cleveland RTA Transfers

SARTA and Greater Cleveland RTA will continue to honor any and all transfers presented by passengers wishing to board a SARTA bus at our Downtown Cleveland stop location or a Greater Cleveland bus.  

To facilitate travel between Stark and Cuyahoga counties, riders may transfer from one system to the other at any Downtown Cleveland stop and at the Wade Park VA facility.

Riders note:

  1. You must always pay the fare on the first system you board. A transfer is only valid for one ride on the adjoining system.
  2. Traveling from Stark County, ask your SARTA driver for a transfer to RTA.
  3. Traveling into Stark County, ask your RTA driver for a non-valid fare receipt that serves as a transfer.

For more information, call the SARTA at (330)477-2782.

Lost Items

Lose something? 

If you left an item on the bus or at one of our transit centers, please call us at 330-477-2782.  We will do our best to locate your lost item(s). SARTA is not responsible for items left onboard vehicles, at our transit centers or bus stops. 

Items are held for a minimum of 7 days. Items with an estimated value of over $100, i.e. purses, wallets, cell phones, ID, mail, birth certificates, etc. will be held for a minimum of 14 days.

  • Items that are considered lost when found on SARTA property:
  • Must have an estimated value-including but not limited to the following:
    • Electronic Equipment
    • Books
    • Clothes
      • Must not have blood or other bodily fluids on them
      • Must not have bugs
      • Must not be unsanitary
    • License/ID
    • Wallet/purse
  • Must not be an item that is intended to be disposable or have no estimated value- including but not limited to the following:
    • Tissues
    • Pens/Pencils
    • Paper/notebooks
      • DOES NOT include items such as mail, birth certificates, social securitycard, car title, etc.

Please provide any of the following, to assist us in locating your item(s): 

  • Route number
  • Bus number
  • Transit Center
  • Time of day when the items was lost
  • Description of the item(s) that were lost 

If the item(s) are turned into the driver, they will be sent to our Cornerstone Transit Center. Wallets, identification cards, and any other item with significant monetary value will be sent to our main offices where they are held for safekeeping for 14 days.

We do our best to return lost item(s) to the rightful owner; however, we are not always able to locate lost items.  All lost and found items are held for one week. After one week, most items are either donated or discarded.  To claim a lost item, please be prepared to:

Provide an accurate description of the item(s)

  • The location where the item(s) were lost
  • Date/time item(s) were lost

SARTA Lost & Found Policies

All item(s) found on SARTA property that are turned into the CSR at the nearest SARTA Transit Center will be sent to Cornerstone. Items will be kept for a minimum of 7 days.

We do our best to return lost item(s) to the rightful owner; however, we are not always able to locate lost items.  All lost and found items are held for one week. After one week most items are either donated or discarded. 


How long will SARTA hold lost items?

  • Items are held for a minimum of 7 days and must have an estimated value, such as books, electronics and clothing
  • Items with an estimated value of over $100, i.e. purses, wallets, cell phones, ID, mail, birth certificates, etc. will be held for a minimum of 14 days.
  • Wallets, identification cards, and any other item with significant monetary value will be sent to our main offices where they are held for safekeeping for 14 days.

Do the clothes need to be in a certain condition to be held?

Clothes must not

  • have blood or other bodily fluids on them
  • have bugs
  • be unsanitary

What other items are not kept in our lost and found?

Must not be an item that is intended to be disposable or have no estimated value- including but not limited to the following:

  • Tissues
  • Pens/Pencils
  • Paper/notebooks

The rule about needing value does not include sensitive documents such as mail, birth certificates, social security card, car title, etc.

ADA on all services

Accessibility/Americans with Disabilities Act

Accessibility/Non-discrimination Policies

In support of our mission to enhance the social and economic quality of life for the residents of  Stark County, SARTA promotes diversity and accessibility by making safe, affordable, reliable, and convenient public transportation services available to every member of our community and by providing equality of opportunity to job applicants, employees, vendors, and business partners.

To ensure that no person is excluded from or denied the benefits of public transportation on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, religion, or gender SARTA has implemented policies and programs that prohibit discrimination, comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and all other applicable state and federal laws. SARTA is also an equal opportunity employer.

SARTA’s commitment to Accessibility

Thousands of people with disabilities and their families trust and value SARTA because they know our mobility services and commitment to accessibility enables them to live full, independent lives.

That commitment extends to our embrace of both the spirit and the letter of the ADA. Passed by Congress in 1990, this landmark civil rights legislation guarantees equal opportunity in employment, public accommodations, state and local government services, telecommunications, and transportation to persons with disabilities.

SARTA has taken the following steps to fully comply with Title II of the Act which specifically requires public transit systems to provide equal access to transportation via fixed routes or complementary paratransit service:

Our entire fixed route bus fleet is 100% ADA compliant. The vehicles have low floors, lifts, ramps, are able to “kneel,” offer priority seating for people with disabilities, and can accommodate wheelchairs, scooters, and other mobility devices. SARTA’s four transit centers are also ADA-accessible.

We operate Proline, a countywide door-to-door shared ride paratransit service for individuals whose disabilities prevent them from utilizing fixed routes. People who believe they qualify for Proline must complete and submit both an ADA Proline application and a medical verification form. Once approved Proline users will receive a user ID and password that will enable them to schedule rides by phone or online. Click here for more information about applying for and riding Proline.

Service Animals

The ADA defines a service animal as any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. Service animals perform some of the functions and tasks that the individual with a disability cannot perform for him or her. “Seeing eye dogs” are one type of service animal, used by some individuals who are visually impaired. The care or supervision of a service animal is solely the responsibility of his or her owner. The passenger and the service animal may be asked to exit the vehicle if the service animal’s behavior poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others. Persons with disabilities who use service animals are allowed to board with their service animal. Operators may ask any passenger if their animal is a service animal and/or if the animal assists them with their disability but may not require certification or identification for service animals. Passengers using their service animals must keep their animals under control, and the animal must not be disruptive or pose a threat to other passengers. Failure to do so may result in the passenger being requested to exit the vehicle.

Open Sore and Wounds

  • Passengers who have open sores and wounds shall be transported unless their medical condition presents a “direct threat” to other passengers or the coach operator.
  • Any passenger, including passengers with disabilities, may be refused access to public transportation if visible body fluid leakage or dripping is occurring at the pick-up location. Such leakage or dripping can create a biohazard to other passengers on the SARTA vehicle.
  • A SARTA official may be dispatched to evaluate and determine the appropriate course of action. Based on the evaluation, the passenger experiencing the leakage or discharge may be transported back to their point of origin, their final destination, or to another appropriate destination capable of responding to the passengers’ needs. In certain circumstances, 911 may be contacted to arrange emergency medical care.

Medical Equipment

  • Properly secured oxygen supplies, they must not obstruct the aisle.